Order Sk8 Services,
Mounting & Assembly
Mounting fees are not charged for factory assembled complete skates or special Sk8gear skate packages located on any of the complete skates store pages. These are specially packaged manufacturers' or Sk8gear recommended setups and the price includes their assembly. You should still allow order and assembly time, since they are not sitting on a shelf.
If you have selected your own combination of equipment, a mounting fee is charged. Mounting/assembly fees are listed below and is not provided unless the fee shown is added to your shopping cart. Click tune up or any mount option shown below to add to your skate order. We do not do assembly for items not purchased here.
If you are a competitive skater or need any special placement or adjustments, please have your new equipment assembled by your rink pro shop or a local skate service technician recommended by your coach.
Please be prepared to adjust your new equipment for your own skating needs.

Equipment Info & Referrals
Roller skates can be used for exercise, regular skating or dancing and disco. But which type of roller skate should you get? We are always willing to give you more insight about what to look into when buying your first pair of quad skates.
And the process and research for purchasing kids skates can be overwhelming, especially since they may grow out of them quickly. So let us answer some common questions we get from parents and skaters.
Find Skating Locations
The Roller Skating Association has a great roller rink finder interactive map that has most rink locations in the United States and a few other locations.
But, sometimes the location you need for training, practice or sk8 service is not a roller rink. Feel free to contact us if you need a location to skate or get repairs and there is nothing in your area that works for your skating discipline.
Coaching Referrals
There are many ways to learn to inline skate. Preparing to participate in any of the specific roller sports disciplines can be a challenge without accurate knowledge and proper training.
But, if you decide to get serious about your inline figure skating and seek private instruction, you may find that many of the traditional ice and roller figure coaches are uncomfortable with inline - and it is hard to find inline specific figure coaches in some areas. Try this directory of coaches to find trainers in your area or feel free to ask us for referrals or alternative training ideas.